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Military Girlies - Registration Agreement Terms

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Military Wives As One Rules & Regulations
1.) Please be courteous to the other members and treat them how you’d like to be treated.
2.) No bashing of other members/admin/mod will be tolerated.
3.) Please honor our OPSEC guidelines.
4.) Profanity is allowed, but a wearing in the subject is appreciated.
5.) There is no required length to your posts, but a warning is welcome.
6.) Please if you have problems with a member take it off the boards and handle it in private messages.
7.) If you sign up for one of our exchanges, you’re saying you will follow through. So please only sign up for what you can and will do. Thank You!
8.) Last but not least we would like you to have fun. That is what we are here for ladies. A forum community to help us get through the days when our SO’s are away or when their driving you insane.

What is OPSEC?
OPSEC, also known as Operational Security, is the principle that we, as military wives and military family members, should all abide by when talking about our loved ones. If you’ve been on any military related message board on the internet, you have more than likely seen a warning to be sure to practice OPSEC. This means protecting the information you know about your loved one and his or her unit.
Generally, it means that you should not give out the following:
(1) Your loved ones exact location overseas
(2) Any information on military movements – this includes any movement while they are deployed and in transit to/from theater (including R&R). Do not ever give dates or times.
(3) Any information on weapons systems, how they train or numbers – for this reason, many pictures from overseas can easily violate OPSEC.

If your loved one is in a special operations unit, the OPSEC guidelines can be stricter. You may not be able to say he or she is deployed at all, much less where. His unit and/or FRG should provide the OPSEC guidelines for these situations.Always abide by the rules set forth by his unit. Just because it is on the news does not mean that you can talk about the issue. By talking about it, you are only verifying the information.
CORRECT: "My loved one is deployed in support of Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom."
INCORRECT: "My loved one is in XYZ Unit and is stationed at ABC Camp in XXX city in Iraq."
Give only general locations IF his unit allows it. The above incorrect statement is entirely too much information.
INCORRECT: "My loved one’s unit is returning from deployment and flying into XYZ Airport at 8pm next Thursday."
Never give dates or times for troop movements. Keep in mind that “next Thursday” is a date. This includes R&R dates as well as deployment and redeployment dates. Planes have been delayed for days or weeks because an excited family member made this information public.
INCORRECT: "Please pray for my loved one. He called today and told me he is going out on a very dangerous mission tonight. They will be gone for three days and I’m very worried about him."
When our soldiers are in dangerous situations, it is natural to want to reach out to others. But the above statement puts your soldier and his unit in danger. You could have very well just alerted the enemy about their mission.It is important to realize that putting together the bits and pieces needed to create the larger picture can be amazingly simple on the internet. Many mistakenly believe that if they don’t talk about it all at once, the information is safe. This is wrong and dangerous to assume.
The internet is a wonderful tool, but in regards to our military, it is a very dangerous one as well. It takes only minutes of searching online to find enough pieces of information that could potentially endanger our loved ones.

I know everybody gets excited about their SO coming home or how many days they have been gone. To keep our loved ones safe, I am sorry to say that tickers regarding any type of deployment will not be allowed on MWAO. If you have any questions please take it up with any of us admin. Having a deployment ticker results in 3 point infraction.

PERSEC is also known as personal security. Like OPSEC, this involves guarding the information that you know. Do not give out your loved one’s name along with rank. Instead please refer to him as DH (Dear Husband), DF (Dear Fiancé); DB (Dear Boyfriend).This includes blacking out his or her name tape and rank in pictures. If he or she is in a special operations unit, you should also black out any unit affiliation.
Be vague on the internet about your personal information as an Army wife or Army family member. This is plain common sense in just everyday life whether you have a family member in the military or not.The old saying "loose lips sink ships" still holds true today. Keep your soldier, your family and his or her unit safe by keeping the information you know to yourself. You never know who is lurking and gathering information on message boards, MySpace pages, and profiles. Better safe than sorry!Source: http://www.army.com/articles/item/3305

Infraction System

Infraction System.We do have a infraction system, and we will use the "Warning...Warning" bar as our display. Infractions are a serious manner ladies and we can't be light on OPSEC, PERSEC, or TOS. Listed below are reasons you will get a infraction. We will always inform you when you receive one so that you are always aware.Before we ever give a infraction we will give you a warning. You only get one warning though because we will suggest you go over the rules again to make sure you totally understand. After your warning, the infractions start.Ladies we don't like giving infractions, but we have to keep our men safe and we feel it is a necessity to keep order here.Reasons you will be a infraction, no exceptions:(I am quoting all of these from our rules.)
"No bashing of other members/admin/mod will be tolerated.
"If you bash anybody on MWAO you will receive a 1 point infraction.
-"(1) Your loved ones exact location overseas(2) Any information on military movements – this includes any movement while they are deployed and in transit to/from theater (including R&R). Do not ever give dates or times.(3) Any information on weapons systems, how they train or numbers – for this reason, many pictures from overseas can easily violate OPSEC.
"None of these are allowed ladies. I do understand with all of us being in different branches that you'll say "My SO is serving on a tour right now in Kuwait" or any other place. Please don't take it farther then that. I don't want to know when they are move or where on move, because that puts them in danger and we don't want that.If you violate any of these it will be a 2 point infraction as well as a edit or delete of you post. I will not be light about it, no exceptions ladies. Please don't give out months either. My loved one will be deploying in...."....." instead please try and use the seasons. I know this will take some time to get used to, but I'm just trying to keep our loved ones safe. It's better to be safe then sorry.
-"CORRECT: "My loved one is deployed in support of Iraqi Freedom or Enduring Freedom."INCORRECT: "My loved one is in XYZ Unit and is stationed at ABC Camp in XXX city in Iraq."Give only general locations IF his unit allows it. The above incorrect statement is entirely too much information.INCORRECT: "My loved one’s unit is returning from deployment and flying into XYZ Airport at 8pm next Thursday."Never give dates or times for troop movements. Keep in mind that “next Thursday” is a date. This includes R&R dates as well as deployment and redeployment dates. Planes have been delayed for days or weeks because an excited family member made this information public.INCORRECT: "Please pray for my loved one. He called today and told me he is going out on a very dangerous mission tonight. They will be gone for three days and I’m very worried about him."
"Ladies this pretty much speaks for itself. You should all know not to put what unit your SO is in or what camp as well as dates. That just gives the enemy information and you never know when there watching. I'm trying to keep this site as safe as possible so please don't mention the above and use the correct way to write it. If you violate this rule then it is automatic 5 infractions and I will edit or delete your post.
I know everybody loves tickers. I do, but due to the safety and protection of our men we do not allow tickers regarding deployments on MWAO. However you may have tickers regarding how long you been with your SO, if your pregnant...how far along you are, your children's ages and more.
If we find a ticker in regards to a dept(deployment) it will automatically be removed with a two point infraction.
-"Do not give out your loved one’s name along with rank. Instead please refer to him as DH (Dear Husband), DF (Dear Fiance); DB (Dear Boyfriend).This includes blacking out his or her name tape and rank in pictures. If he or she is in a special operations unit, you should also black out any unit affiliation.
"Ladies with this rule I don't see a problem with first names, but if you mention a last time I will automatically edit or delete your post. There's no need in using last names so I don't see a problem.
Also if you post a picture of your SO in uniform please please black out his name and all the information. I know we all love our men in uniform , but we can still see the picture with it like this and it'll be all the better. If you don't know how you are more then welcome to private message Stacey or I and we'll do it for you.I don't see the need in giving a infraction for this, but I will say if you do it more then once we will so let's keep it clean ladies.
"If you sign up for one of our exchanges, you’re saying you will follow through. So please only sign up for what you can and will do. Thank You!
"Ladies so...if you sign up for a exchange on MWAO you are saying you will follow through. I trust that all of you will do that. If you don't then there are consequences. As you know we do recommend getting a delivery confirmation so that we know where the gift is at all times. I hope most of you decide to, because it saves a lot of trouble if not then that is fine. It's your choice. If your gift isn't to your exchange partner by or on the deadline date we will notify you and ask for a delivery confirmation number if you have one. Two days after that if it is still not there then we will put you on a temp ban until your gift is received, however long that may be.You come back to MWAO with a two point infraction. Gift exchanges are privileges , not rights so let's not abuse the fun.
** Note Ladies if you reach 5 infractions you are automatically on a temp ban for a week. When you come back after that week you still have a 5 point infraction on your bar.
If you reach 10 points you are automatically banned and no longer welcome here at MWAO. That doesn't mean make a new screen name either, we banned you for a reason. We trust that you won't do that, because we will find out.
**Clean Slate
After six months without any additional fractions to the ones you already had you will get a clean slate. So say you got a infraction today October 8, 2008. If you don't get anymore new infractions for three months we will give you a clean slate, however if you do get a new infraction that is added onto what you already have and your six months start over.
These are our rules regarding infractions. I hope you ladies understand and corporate with them.
Thank You and if you have any questions feel free to private message us Admin.